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7. Suparshwanath

Father's nameKing Supratishth
Mother's namePrithvidevi
Dynasty (vansh)Ishwaku
Date of Conception (garbh)Bhadra Shukla - 6
Birth placeVaranasi
Date of BirthJyeshth Shukla - 12
Color of the bodyGreen
Height200 Dhanush
Life span20 Lakh Purva
Reason of renunciationEnd of Spring blossomed forest
Date of Renunciation (diksha)Jyeshth Shukla - 12
First person to give AaharKing Mendradatt
First Aahar's citySomkhand
Tree under which Tirthankar attained KevalgyaanShirish
Date of Kevalgyaan (Supreme Intelligence)Falgun Krishna - 6
Chief GandharBaldatt
Chief GaniniMina
Total Gandhars95
Chief ShrotaDaan Virya
Area of Samavsaran9 Yojan
Date of Salvation (Nirvaan)Falgun Krishna - 7
Aasan (position) in which Tirthankar attained SalvationKayotsargasan
Place of SalvationSammed Shikhar

देवाधिदेव श्री १००८ सुपार्श्व तीर्थंकर की जय हो 🙏🏻