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4 Anuyogas

Based on the depiction methods, the Jainism Literature can be categorized into 4 types known as "Anuyogas". They are namely:

  1. Prathmanuyog
  2. Karnanuyog
  3. Charnanuyog
  4. Dravyanuyog

Fundamentally, all the scriptures preach Veetragta and depict the path of eternal bliss i.e. Moksh. They are represented and explained in different style by focusing on some particular aspects which are actually known as Anuyogas.


Prathmanuyog talks about the historical events and chronicles of various great personalities (63 Shalaka Purush) like 24 Tirthankars, 12 Chakravartis, Jain Saints etc. It is filled with Vairagya (mortification/renunciation) and Veetragta. Various spiritual teachings, ethics, morals etc. are beautifully served in the form of stories.


The modern key-words to express Karnanuyog are Cosmology, Metaphysics, Astrophysics, Atomic Particle Physics, Mathematics, Biological Sciences etc. Yes, Karnanuyog is nothing but science; the science of the Universe and the Mokshmarg. It talks about the Karma Theory, 6 Existents of the Universe (6 Dravya), Life Forms, complex mathematics and absolute numeral system, the Universe etc. Gunasthan, Marganasthan, 3 lok, Jeev-samas, Karma-siddhant etc. are some of the topics included in it.

Because it talks about the laws of nature, it is completely logical, straight-forward and factual. Karnanuyog Scriptures are a great resource for us to mightiness of Kevalgyaan (infinite intelligence) and hence also makes us realize our potential to achieve that state.


Non-violence, truthfulness, celibacy, non-possession, eating-habits, fasting, vows, Vrats (Anuvrat, Mahavrat, Sheelvrat), 12 Bhaavna, 16 Kaaran-bhaavna, Samadhimaran etc. everything that shapes and moulds our life towards the path of salvation are taught by Charnanuyog. In real sense, it is the study of art of living life.

"Ahinsa" which is one of the important pillars of Jainism is explained in very depth here. These Shastras depict the rules and vows to follow for the Shravaks, Vratis and Jain Sadhus.


Dravyanuyog enlightens the path of salvation by explaining the 6 Dravya, 7 Tatva, Bhed-gyaan etc. At the center, the continuous practice of Bhed-gyaan i.e. clearly understanding the difference between what is the 'swa'(me) and what is 'par'(everything else) is preached which leads to Aatmanubhuti i.e. experience of the self.

Since infinite lives, this Soul has always had a misconception of him/her being this body, and Dravyanuyog scriptures teach the art of separating our true-self from the outer world and experience the true happiness inside.