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3. The 8 Karmas

Do you all also sometimes question...

  • Why one is born Rich and other is born Poor?
  • Why one is just genius while someone is dumb in XYZ skill or what about so called god-gifted talents?
  • What is luck actually? Is it something random?
  • What did we do that we all have different looks, body structure, etc.?
  • Why the people who do all the crimes and wrong things seem to be enjoying their life while good people suffer. Isn't this injustice?

Well, the answer to all these questions is Karma. The Universe's own way of justice to every phenomena around us.


Before we begin...

In chemistry, you must have read about -

  • Different types of Atoms such as:
    • Hydrogen
    • Oxygen etc.
  • Show different properties and behavior

Similarly, there are also -

  • Different types of Karmas such as:
    • Gyaanavaraniya
    • Darshnavaraniya etc.
  • Show different behavior and reactions

So, today we are going to learn about these different types of Karmas!

The 8 Types of Karmas

What "Bhaav" (feeling) leads to what Karma bond? What Karma will fruit into what Phenomena?

Let's first explore the 8 Karmas -

  1. Gyaanavaraniya
  2. Darshanavaraniya
  3. Mohniya
  4. Antraya
  5. Vedniya
  6. Aayu
  7. Naam
  8. Gotra

The one who is free from all these Karmas is called God. There are infinite souls who have ended the karmic cycle and attained true bliss.

1. Gyaanavaraniya Karma and 2. Darshanavaraniya Karma

The reason behind our different levels of intelligence, knowledge, grasp, skills, memory etc. is this Karma. It hinders one's ability to "know" something.

Not able to solve something? Can't remember? Bad at a singing? Expert in playing cricket? All is because of respective Gyaanavaraniya Karma particles bonded.

So, greater the number of Gyaanavaraniya particles bonded to our soul, the lesser is our grasp/knowledge gaining capability about things around us!

And, lesser the number of Gyaanavaraniya particles bonded to our soul, the greater is our grasp/knowledge gaining capability about things around us.

Similarly, Darshanavaran karma hinders common perception about the subjects.

3. Mohniya Karma

This Karma obstructs the Soul to have right perception, right knowledge and follow right conduct.

Since infinite lives, we have been the puppets of "Mohniya" karma, we are -

  • Suffering in this birth-death cycle
  • Involved into trying false and temporary solutions to find happiness

4. Antraya Karma

This Karma is the reason we have obstacles (Antraya) in different situations.

  • Trying to help someone, but couldn't do so?
  • Was well-prepared for the exam but it rained on that day? Who is to blame?
  • Facing obstacles in getting your work done?
  • Not able to get/find XYZ thing as per wish?

Answer is Antray Karma particles bonded to us.

5. Vedniya Karma

The "Good Times" and "Bad Times" that we face is actually by Vedniya Karma.

  • The situations that are created around us which are favourable or unfavourable to us, gives us "happiness/sadness" (temporary).
  • Everything falling into place?
  • Sick and feverish due to Covid gave you pain/sadness?

6. Aayu Karma

Your life-span and what life-form you will be in (Heaven, Hell, Human or Animal) is decided by this Karma.

  • Why you are a human and "Tommy" is a Dog (because both of them are essentially souls)?
  • What is the life-span actually dependent upon?

In your Previous Life you, Bonded Aayu Karma -> Human Life + 70 years life-span (say) Then, present life you -> Born as a Human with 70 years life-span

Now, you bond new Aayu Karma for a life-form and life-span which you get in next life. This cycle keeps on repeating!

7. Naam Karma

Responsible for:

  • Body structure
  • Looks and Color
  • Organs and Skeleton
  • Life-form (Human, Animal, Fishes, Bird etc.)
  • Your Fame
  • No. of senses
  • Strength of each part
  • Gender of the body
  • Your Voice etc. etc.

Everyone looks different, has different height, weight etc. and all the above listed things related to body. Biological explanations are there, but the Absolute "WHY" behind those is actually the "Naam karma".

8. Gotra Karma

The Gotra-karma determines which type of environment you are born in and what type of upbringing, family values and ethics etc.

  • One is born in King's Mansion, while other is born on the streets.
  • One is born in a family of drunkards, criminals etc. while other is born in a family of good ethics and values.

The Reason is Gotra Karma.


  • This post covered "WHAT" each Karma is responsible for and how everything that we see around us, everything that happens has a reason.
  • There is no one above who is controlling us.
  • Whatever we are facing in present, is because of our Past Karmas. What we will face in future, depends upon our present Bhaav!
  • The real control lies in our own "Bhaav"s (feelings) and no one else.
  • When one is free from all attachments and aversion feelings, one doesn't bind new karmas and thus eventually gets free from all the bonded Karmas. This state is the supreme blissful state of the Soul -> known as Siddha (God).