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"Triloksar" is in itself a fascinating, core and an important Jain Scripture which teaches us about the real manifestation of the Universe, how it functions and everything around this topic.

In fact, in today's world; we are slowly heading to believe in scientific viewpoints more than anything, the scriptures like Triloksar are a blessing for us to realize how great our Jainism is - that 1000 years before where modern science was not even found; our Digamber Jain Saints wrote these complex explanations of the Universe. Only Jain Dharma is the religion that is purely based on science and mathematics without any blind beliefs.

Indeed, Karnanuyog Scriptures are a reflection of Kevalgyaan (Infinite Knowledge) of God!

Also, "Triloksar" - Trilok + Saar = Summary of 3 Lokas (worlds).

Just imagine, if the Summary is such detailed, how minute the real description would be? It really makes us respect and proud of what we have got.

How great is ourJain Dharma? Where each and everything has got a logical explanation; where everything is backed by science and mathematics?

These Scriptures are written by such great saints for us curious minds only; so that we understand the truth and get on the path of Moksh.

As it is rightly said:

लोकस्वरूप विचार कें, आतम रूप निहारि । परमारथ व्यवहार गुणि, मिथ्याभाव निवारि ।।

The real "saar" (gist) of the 3 Lok (Universe) is the "Prayojanbhut" and "Saarbhut" tatva i.e. our Shuddhatma. Let us seek refuge of our own-selves to do self-realzation and achieve the state of Infinite Bliss i.e Siddha avastha as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found it useful.

Jai Jinendra 🙏


This script was delivered at the Goshti (eloucation event) at "Shree Simandhar Swami Digamber Jain Mandir" on the ocassion of Shrut-Panchami Parv on date: 5 June, 2022.