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Rakshabandhan, a festival that is celebrated gracefully across India; holds a very important significance in Indian Culture and Tradition.

Today, it has become merely a festival celebrating the love between brother and sister; which is great for the society...But the real question is - Is it all? What it has to do with Raksha (protect/guard)? Where did this ritual even originate?

Well, for that we have to clock back to lakhs of years back. In Jainism, Rakshabandhan holds a very important place in the history and has a spiritual and auspicious perspective to it.

Let us understand the story behind this auspicious festival!

घोर उपसर्गजयी समतामय रत्नत्रय के साधक हैं। काया से भी निस्पृह जो निज शुद्धातम आराधक हैं।। अहो अकंपन आदि मुनीश्वर हृदय हमारे वास करो। हो वात्सल्य विष्णु मुनिवर सम श्री जिनधर्म प्रकाश करो।।

The Story

Let me take you ~66 Lakh years back. This is the time of the shashan of 19th Tirthankar Bhagwan Mallinath.

One day, Akampanacharya along with 700 Digamber Jain Saints (Munisangh) came in Ujjain city for their Vihaar. Akampanacharya had advised all the saints to follow "Maun" (slience) on that day.

Shrivarma, King of Ujjain came for darshan of the Muni-sangh along with his 4 ministers - Bali, Brihaspati, Prahlad and Namuchi.

Because all the muniraj were following "Maun" that day, the King and his ministers were not able to have any conversation with Muni-sangh.

On seeing all saints silent, the Ministers started making fun of them thinking that they don't have knowledge.

On the way going back at their palace, they saw Muni Shrutsagar coming. They started laughing and mocking by asking questions etc.

Shrutsagar Muniraj totally destroyed the minister's ego by wise answers. The Ministers got furious and thus during the night, they decided to take revenge. When he was meditating in the forest, Bali and other ministers tried attacking him, their hands got stuck!

In the morning when King saw this heinous crime by his own ministers, he kicked them out of the city.

The Bali and ministers now reached Hastinapur City. The King Padam got very impressed by their work and told them to ask whatever they want. Bali told that he will let him know whenever he needs it.

Akampanacharya along with 700 saints came to Hastinapur City while doing Vihaar. Seeing them Bali remembered the past and decided to take revenge.

Bali asked the King to give his kingdom to him for 8 days. Since the King had given the promise, he couldn't say no to him. Bali, on the name of a "Narmegh Yagna", put all the 700 saints amidst the fire .

The great jain saints didn't even move an inch and were into dhyaan (meditation), totally unaffected and detached from outside world!

Vishnukumar Muniraj (disciple of Akampancharya) by some way came to know that in Hastinapur there was a huge 'upsarg' going on the 700 saints.

He felt 'Vatsalya' and thought to remove this Upsarg.

He had a special power (riddhi) of Vikriya. By this "Vikriya Riddhi", he can make his body of any shape and size; and can take form of anyone.

By taking a disguise of a short-heighted brahmin, he went to Hastinapur city. There he asked Bali (who was the King currently) to give him 3 steps of land.

Bali started laughing and asked him to take how much the short-heighted brahmin (Vishnukumar Muniraj) wanted!

After that, Vishnukumar Muniraj (in disguise of Short heighted Brahmin) with the help of Vikriya Riddhi increased his height to a huge huge extent!

In the first step, he crossed the Sumeru Mountain; In the second, he covered the whole Human world;

Putting his leg on the head of Bali, he asked- "Where shall I put my third step now?"

The Ministers realized the mistake and apologized. The Devs from Heaven came to earth and removed all the upsarg from the 700 saints!

Vishnukumar Muniraj helped to save the 700 Jain saints from this upsarg.

Seeing this everyone pledged to save Jainism and share its teaching; and thus tied Raksha-sutras on their hands.

From this day, Rakshabandhan festival started being celebrated all across the world!


Rakshabandhan holds a lot of spiritual significance according to our Jainism History. But why it is never found in any newspapers, social media or our textbooks?

Maybe because we don't share our culture enough and don't take enough pride for our glorious history.

Today is the day to remember the great jain saints and their घोर तप (penance); Today is the day to remember the रक्षा of the 700 Jain Saints.

Today is the day to pledge that we would make all the efforts to protect and share this knowledge of Jainism to everyone.