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Shrut Panchami Parv

ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल पंचमी दिवस था, सुर नर मंगलाचार का।
श्रुतपंचमी पर्व अति पावन, हैं श्रुत के अवतार का ।।

Today is indeed a very auspicious and important day in the history of Jainism. Let us know the story and the history behind this day about what happened, why is it celebrated and how to actually celebrate it.

History of Shrut Panchami

Before 2600 years ago, Tirthankar Mahavira attained Kevalgyaan (infinite knowledge) and preached this path of true happiness to everyone. This knowledge was propagated ahead by great Saints in "Guru-shishya" parampara in the form of "Oral/Vocal" medium only.

But with time, the grasp and intelligence of humans was decreasing drastically. Observing this, Acharya Dharsena thought that it was utmost necessary to put this invaluable and vast knowledge in form of written Scriptures.

Acharya Dharsena conveyed this message to Acharya Arhadbali and expressed the concern. Acharya Arhadbali sent two saints - "Subuddhi" and "Narvahana" who were well-versed with the knowledge of Jainism to Dharsenacharya for this task of writing the scripture.

Acharya Dharsena gave both the Saints; Subuddhi and Narvaahan - one special "Mantra" and told to do its "Saadhna" (meditation on the Mantra) for 3 days. Interesting thing was that Acharyadev purposefully gave mantras with missing and extra letter in each to test the Saint's knowledge and capability of converting the vast and deep knowledge of Jainism in written form.

After doing the "Saadhna",

Acharya Subuddhi saw a Devi (heavenly being) who's teeth were coming outside. This made him realize that the Mantra has one letter extra. On removing it, a beautiful Devi appeared. After this, he came to be known as "Pushpadhant" Acharya.

The Devi appeared in front of Acharya Narvahana had one eye missing; which made him realized that one letter is less in the Mantra. Fixing this, a beautiful Devi appeared. After this event, he was latter known as "Bhutbali" Acharya.

After both of the Acharyas were successful in the test, they started gaining knowledge of Jainism from Acharya Dharsena.

Also, they started writing this in the form of Shlokas. This event has happened approximately 2000 years ago from today!

And finally the first ever Jainism Scripture - "Shatkhandagama" was completed today i.e. Shrut Panchami. Indeed the day after which the practice of "writing" scriptures was started!


Probably "Shatkhandagama" is the oldest scripture available in the entire world.

Numerous commentaries (Tika) were written on this scripture after this day. Some of them are:

  • Dhavala - by Veersen Acharya (72000 Shlokas)
  • Jay Dhavala - by Jinsena Acharya (60000 Shlokas)
  • Maha Dhavala - by Devsen Acharya (40000 Shlokas)

But what these scriptures contain?

  • In depth Jainism Mathematics
  • Universe and how it works, Astronomy, Cosmos
  • The 6 Existents and 7 Tatvas
  • Karmic Physics, bonding, states etc.

The time when Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc. civilizations were in forests finding food, our Jain Acharyas wrote such huge scripture and taught us the real path of liberation and bliss.

How fortunate are we today?

All these scriptures were written originally on the Tadpatras (leaves of Tad tree).

Today we have all of these scriptures in printed forms/PDF on the tip of our fingers.

Isn't it amazing how these are being kept safe since ages? Our ancestors put their life at risk to save this invaluable Shastras.

Whatever we is available to us today is all indebted to the great saints who out of sympathy wrote these granthas so that we can also get to path of moksh marg.

Today we have everything so easily available to read, understand and explore.

One question to ask ourselves:

Aren't we taking all of these easily accessible knowledge for granted?

Now, what shall we do next?

Today is the day of "Suraksha of Jinvaani", where we should all pledge to make efforts to save "Jinvaani" by all ways possible.

But how we can contribute towards this?

Let's take a vow to do "Swadhaya" (reading scriptures) and motivate others to also do so.

Spread Jainism knowledge. Be it explaining some topic to your friend, take part in religious activities or even sharing Jainism content on social media!

Translate the scriptures into English, French, German, Japanese etc. different languages so that it is accessible to larger geographical area and can be benefitted.

This day teaches us how much we are fortunate the get these, our duties to propagate this knowledge further and in the end read the Jinvaani to know our true self; thus achieving our purpose of life -> "Moksh"


"Shrut-Panchami Parv" motivates us to dive into the self by reading our invaluable Scriptures and understanding them.

These scriptures which were written by great Saints aren't for super-humans. They are written for us laymen who intend to become God and are ready to walk on the path of salvation as guided by scriptures.