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5. Bal (Strength) Riddhi

The Miraculous Power by which one possesses unimaginable immense strength (mental, verbal and physical) is known as Bal Riddhi.

There are a total 3 types of Bal Riddhis that are possessed by Jain Saints (Riddhi-dhaari muni) as below:

1. Man bal
2. Vachan bal
3. Kaay bal

From Paramarshi Swasti Mangal Vidhaan

अणिम्नि दक्षाः कुशलाः महिम्नि,लघिम्नि शक्ताः कृतिनो गरिम्णि
मनो-वपुर्वाग्बलिनश्च नित्यं, स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥६॥

अणिमा, महिमा, लघिमा और गरिमा ऋद्धि में कुशल तथा मन, वचन, काय बल ऋद्धि के धारक मुनिराज हमारा कल्याण करें ।

  1. Man Bal Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which the great Jain Saints can do the Chintvan (contemplate) of the complete Shrutgyaan in just Antarmuhurt time (under 48 minutes).


Antarmuhurt is a time-range from 2 Samay upto 1 Muhurt (48 minutes). Here, note that Antarmuhurt is in under 1 Muhurt time; and so we don't count the 48th minute.

Now, we just read that great Jain Saints possessing this Riddhi can

Contemplate (think deeply) the whole Shrutgyaan under 48 minutes.

There are a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (i.e. 2^64 - 1) alphabets in the complete Shrutgyaan; also known as 'Samast Shrutakshar Sankhya'.

Which implies,

Thinking 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 under 48 minutes;

48 minutes is 2880 seconds.

And so it means,

Thinking 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 under 2880 minutes;

Dividing 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 / 2880; we get 6.4051195e+15.

And this actually means that ->

Contemplating / Thinking deeply a total of 6.4051195... x 10^15 alphabets in 1 second!!!

Pause for a minute and think over this miraculous power possessed by the great Saints; the power that originates by the virtue of realizing ourselves i.e. Soul. If just Shrutgyaan is so great; then how can we ever be able to describe the infinite knowledge (Kevalgyaan) of the Arihant and Siddh Bhagwaan! All we can do is to bow down to them and follow their path to become like them.

Antarmuhurt means any time value between 2 samay upto 48min. The value we derived was the minimum...Because we assumed that it takes 48min to contemplate the whole Shrutgyaan...While it is fairly possible that one can take 47min, 100 samay or so on! Isn't this beyond our imagination?

  1. Vachan Bal Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which the great Jain Saints can effortlessly clearly be able to know and speak (utter the words of the Shrut) the complete Shrutgyaan in just Antarmuhurt time (under 48 minutes).

This means that the great Jain Saint possessing this power can utter 6.4051195... x 10^15 alphabets per second!

  1. Kaay Bal Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which the great Jain Saints can be without any fatigue or weakness even after performing Kaayotsarg for maas, chaturmaas etc. By this Riddhi, they possess supreme physical strength enough to lift the whole 3 Lokas and swiftly displace it somewhere else with just their smallest little finger!