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Kaal Chakra (The Cosmic Wheel of Time)

What is Kaal Chakra ?

  • The Universe is considered as without any beginning or end - Infinite. Thus, the entity "Time" is also Infinite.

  • The "Cosmic Wheel of Time" signifies that even though Time is Infinite, the Universe is repetitive and repeats itself.

  • Thus the time is divided into infinite equal "Time Cycles" that keep on repeating infinitely called as "KAAL CHAKRA".

  • The "Kaal Chakra" is divided into 2 Epochs.

    1. Avasarpini (Descending in terms of happiness)
    2. Utsarpini (Ascending in terms of happiness)

Kaal Chakra Kaal Chakra 2

  • Each Epoch has total 6 Kaal (see the pictures above)


  1. Sushma-Sushma
  2. Sushma
  3. Sushma-Dushma
  4. Dushma-Sushma
  5. Dushma (We are here)
  6. Dushma-Dushma


  1. Dushma-Dushma
  2. Dushma
  3. Dushma-Sushma
  4. Sushma-Dushma
  5. Sushma
  6. Sushma-Sushma

Bhogbhumi and Karmabhumi

  • The first three ERAs of the Time-cycle are considered as "Bhogbhumis". The reason is that the people born in that time don't have to work or earn for a living. Life in this period is utmost happy and enjoyable.

  • There is special arrangement for food, utensils, clothes, ornaments, jewels, etc. from the "Kalpvrikshas"(unique magical trees). Also there is no system of day and night due to brightness by Kalpvrikshas; so sun, moon and stars aren't seen.

  • The last three ERAs (4,5 and 6) are called "Karmabhumis". Here one has to work and earn for a living. Agriculture, studies, marriage, professions, religion etc. different worldy activities prevail in these ERAs.

  • In 4th ERA, the 24 Tirthankars are born and they preach the path of Salvation. Only in this ERA one can become God. All mythological (Prathmanuyog) stories are from this ERA.


  • Total Time of this ERA: 400 Trillion Sagaropam
  • Maximum life-span: 3 Palyopam
  • Max height of body: 3 Miles
  • Number of bones in spine: 256
  • Food-intake frequency: Once in 3 Days
  • Body color: Golden(as of Sun)

Okay, but what is Sagaropam and Palyopam?

"Sagaropam" and "Palyopam" are the units of measurement of time here. They are used for measurement of time which is "Uncountable" and can't be represented by numbers. According to modern maths, it is theoretically infinite. But according to Jainism's Mathematics; Palyopam and Sagaropam are considered  "FINITE" but falls in "Uncountable" section. In short, they are huge time span. Also, 1000 Trillion Palyopam = 1 Sagaropam !


  • Total Time of this ERA: 300 Trillion Sagaropam
  • Maximum life-span: 2 Palyopam
  • Max height of body: 2 Miles
  • Number of bones in spine: 128
  • Food-intake frequency: Once in 2 Days
  • Body color: White (as of Moon)


  • Total Time of this ERA: 200 Trillion Sagaropam
  • Maximum life-span: 1 Palyopam
  • Max height of body: 1 Mile
  • Number of bones in spine: 64
  • Food-intake frequency: Once in a Day
  • Body color: Purple (as of Priyangu Flower)


  • Total Time of this ERA:
  • 10^14 Sagaropam minus 42000 years
  • Maximum life-span: (84 Lakh)^2 X 1 crore = 7.056 X 10^20 years
  • Max height of body: 2625 ft. (525 dhanush)
  • Number of bones in spine: 48


  • Total Time of this ERA: 21,000 years
  • Maximum life-span: 120 years
  • Max height of body: 8.75 ft.
  • Number of bones in spine: 24

This is the ERA in which we are currently born. Around 2600 years have passed and yet 18500 years are left. In 5th ERA, there will be significant increase in blind beliefs, violent practices, crimes, hatred and the body strength will weaken gradually.

Since the total time is very long (20000 years), we are unable to witness that clearly. One cannot become God in this ERA due to weaker body; and also the knowledge about true path of Salvation will be diminished slowly by the end of 5th ERA. But one can attain "Samyakdarshan" (true spiritual perception)


  • Total Time of this ERA: 21,000 years
  • Maximum life-span: 20 years
  • Max height of body: 3.75 ft.
  • Number of bones in spine: 12

This is the last ERA of the epoch. In the very starting of the ERA, the element "FIRE" will be extinct. Humans will feed on raw fishes and tortoises. They will live life like as of Nomads or tribals without any purpose but to survive.

It keeps on devolving and at the end of 6th ERA,when 49 days are remaining; there is DESTRUCTION time and the whole earth area will be destroyed. Natural Calamities will in the end destroy everything completely. After this, again a new EPOCH will be started and this will again repeat till infinite time.


This was interesting, right? The Kaal-Chakra is being briefly explained. There is a huge amount of details available in scriptures regarding each era, epoch etc. with corresponding mathematics and cosmology which we must surely read and gain knowledge.

Also, this isn't based on "Astrology", but this is the knowledge obtained from the Ancient Karnanuyog Scriptures of Jainism.

Knowledge about Kaal-chakra gives us insights about how RARE is to get true path of Salvation in this time and helps us understand its great importance.

Scripture References: Tiloypannati, Tatvarth-sutra, Triloksara, Gommatsara, Mahapurana etc. all dated before 9th Century. Book Reference: Kaal-chakra (by Dr. Sanjeevji Godha)