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How is this Universe?

What is Universe?

At the exact center of infinite space, there exists a physicality called Universe.

Universe (Lok) = Souls + Matter + Space + Time + Stationary Medium + Dynamic Medium

That is, Universe is made up by the six existents. You can read more about them here.

But how is this Universe?


This whole post is based on Verse(Gatha) no. 3 of Triloksara granth written by Acharya Nemichandra in 9th Century. There are a total of 1018 Verses in Triloksara. It has all the calculations and equations to define the Universe in detail. In the picture itself you can see some measurements shown!

Some Facts about the Universe

1. It is not created; i.e. self-existing (अकृत्रिम)

Jainism believes that no one has ever created this universe and it was and will always be self-existing for infinity.

And thus, no one has any authority or control to anything in the Universe.

In Jainism, God isn't the creator or controller, but a supreme state of the soul to be achieved.

2. Universe exists (लोक:)

Yes, it is existing as a reality. It is not some simulation or a dream or some random assumption we humans have made about it.

The reason to believe are the in-depth literature and scriptures in Jainism proving the fact by science and logic.

3. Universe exists because of itself (स्वभावनिवृत:)

The Universe didn't start from an atom or won't ever be destroyed. Because of the fact that no existent in the universe can be created or destroyed.

Total existents in the Universe remain constant.

4. It was from Infinity, will exist till Infinity(अनादिनिधन:)

The Universe was existing from Infinite time and will keep on existing; since it was never created - thus won't be destroyed.

If someone created the Universe, then who created the creator? In Jainism, Universe is self-existing.

5. Universe is made up of six existents(जीवाजीवै:)

All the 6 dravyas of the Universe are well-defined and the Universe is made up of them.

Thus, Universe isn't just an imagination or undefined phenomena. Cannot stress more upon the details about the cosmos in Jainism.

6. Universe is at the center of Infinite Space(सर्वाकाशावयव: )

Universe is a part of the infinite Space. This Part is called "Lok-akash".

While all the space area outside is "Alok-akash".

7. Universe is constant (नित्य: )

We see everything around us changing, but if we see on a wider viewepoint; everything is constant.

Just their form changes.

Ex. The wood was once a tree, then a chair and one day it is transformed into ashes. But, total number of wood-atoms didn't change, just their forms changed.


Description of the Universe is one of the most important and detailed concepts in Jainism.

The reason is, if you don't know the Universe; how can you know your true identity?

Our purpose is to become God, which is achieved by knowing our true-self.

So, having clarity about the Universe is essential to know ourselves.

Interesting, right?