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Why Jains don't eat under-roots?


The answer to this most-asked question is just one-liner -

"There are infinitely many Nigod organisms in the underroots"

But, what is Nigod exactly is? Infinite? What are Nigod Organisms?

Well, the understanding and reasoning that goes behind this is very deep. And this blog thrives to provide that.

The purpose of every living organism in the Universe is to be Happy; and thus "How to Become God" (i.e The Supreme Blissful State of being or say "Moksh") is what the whole idea of Jainism is based on.

Jainism says that every living life in the universe possesses equal capability to become God. Why? Because Jainism preaches us to see everyone equal as we are all Souls, just we are in different bodies and situations. This brings us to foundation of the idea of "Ahimsa" in Jainism.

Life forms in Jainism

In Scriptures, we can find very detailed description of different life-forms found in nature. Let us see a very brief overview -

5-sensed Organisms with Mind: Humans, Mammals such as Lion, Cow, Birds etc.

5-sensed Organisms without Mind: Some Birds, Snakes etc.

4-sensed Organisms: Scorpions, crickets, spiders, beetles, locusts, flies etc.

3-sensed Orgnanisms: bugs, lice, white ants, moths, centipedes etc.

2-sensed Organisms: shells, worms, insects, microbes

1-sensed Organisms: Trees, Plants, Underroots, Nigod life forms

What are Nigod beings?

The Nigod organisms are 1-sensed Organisms. Fact is, these are not perceive-able by our eyes or any scientific instruments. Important to note that these are not Micro-organisms!

Micro-organisms can still be seen by Microscopes; but the Nigod-organisms are so minute (in range of 10^-infinity) that it is impossible for us to see with any technology.

The scriptures depict the knowledge obtained from the Divya-dhwani of God; and since God is "Sarvagya" (Omniscient - the knower of everything), their depiction of existence of these beings in nature is true.

In the vegetables and plants, especially that grow under the earth's surface; there are infinite Nigod-jeevs present - continuously undergoing life-death cycles and pain. In our past lives, we have also been in the bodies of Nigod being.

But how many Nigod Organisms?

A very lucid analogy to understand the number of Nigod organisms is:

"If we make all Nigod Jeevs present on 1 pin-point area of a Potato - each of the SIZE of a Pigeon;

Then, the whole universe (3 lokas) will be overflown with these Pigeons, with no space remaining!!! This tells us a lot about number and the minuteness of these beings."

The number of "Nigod jeevs" present in "1 Nigod Body (Sharir)" (say, 1 pin-point area) is:

  • Infinite Times the No. of space-units of the Universe
  • Infinite Times the No. of past time-units the Universe has been existing till now.
  • Infinite Times the No. of Siddhas (Gods) till now.

In short, the number is large and out of our imagination.


We do a lot of activities that involves killing of organisms such as driving, playing, etc., right?

Right. If that involves harm, it is surely Hinsa (violence), but the idea here is to optimize. To do least harm as possible.

Jains follow pure vegetarians diet, don't even kill mosquitoes or tiny insects, avoid animal products, alcohol etc. anything that involves Violence. Reason is clear - we respect life, we have suffered like this in past and the fact that every organism can become God in future. Also, we just saw the massive difference between number of organisms in Nigod Vs. Elsewhere.

Food habits is something that is a conscious decision and thus we can imbibe a lifestyle that involve "minimum" harm to any organism. Moreover, is it morally justified to kill anyone for our taste-buds?

Does the plants that grow above the ground does not have living organisms?

No, they do have. But in underoots; the organisms are parasitical in nature; meaning - Infinite Nigod Jeevs in 1 Body. While, the plants that grow above has 1 organism in 1 body. Clearly, infinite times less.

As we said, it's all about optimizing. On Ashtami- Chaturdashi and during Paryushans/Das Lakshan / Ashtahnika, we don't even eat Green Vegetables because of this reason only!

Rationality can be observed everywhere.

So Jainism is all about not eating this and that, I see.

Food Habits is a very small part of the overall idea of Jainism. The core idea is centered towards "How to become God."

And, without a conscious lifestyle, our life is no different from animals. Apart from this, there is a lot of cosmology, spirituality, science, life-ideals, mythology etc.

You can dive deep and understand some of Jain Dharm's concepts from this blog page itself!


Many times, it is very hard to get Jain food when we are out at school, college or work. It is very likely to be made fun of or taunted for us eating Jain food. While, sometimes people also respect our choice too.

But the external situations should not shackle our "WHY" of eating Jain Food. We are clear and firm about our purpose, reason and logic for our choice; and are solely doing it for ourselves; obviously not under someone's force. One should not hesitate to follow own's culture and ideals.

From this blog, I hope the "WHY" behind Jains not eating under-roots has gotten more light and clarity.

But, lot of people are unaware of this fact and reason. So, let us share this as much as you can with your friends and family and next time if anyone questions our beliefs; this blog is the answer!