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1. Buddhi (Intellect) Riddhi

The Miraculous Power that are related to one's uncommon and powerful intellect is known as Buddhi Riddhi.

There are a total 18 types of Buddhi Riddhis that are possessed by Jain Saints (Riddhi-dhaari muni) as below:

The 18 Buddhi Riddhis are as follows:

1. Avadhigyaan
2. Manaparyaygyaan
3. Kevalgyaan
4. Bij-buddhi
5. Kosht-buddhi
6. Padanusari-buddhi
7. Sambhinn Sanshrutva-buddhi
8. Dur-aswadan
9. Dur-sparsh
10. Dur-ghraan
11. Dur-shravan
12. Dur-darshan
13. Dash-purvitva
14. Chaturdash-purvitva
15. Nimitt Riddhi
16. Pragnashraman
17. Pratyekbuddhitva
18. Vaditva

From Paramarshi Swasti Mangal Vidhaan

कोष्ठस्थ-धान्योपममेकबीजं, संभिन्न-संश्रोतृ-पदानुसारि
चतुर्विधं बुद्धिबलं दधानाः, स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥२॥

कोष्ठ-बुद्धि, एक-बीज, संभिन-संश्रोतृत्व और पादानुसारणी इन चार प्रकार की बुद्धि ऋद्धि को धारण करने वाले ऋषीराज हम सबका मंगल करें ।

संस्पर्शनं संश्रवणं च दूरादास्वादन-घ्राण-विलोकनानि
दिव्यान् मतिज्ञान-बलाद्वहंतः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥३॥

दिव्य मति ज्ञान के बल से दूर से ही स्पर्शन, श्रवण, आस्वादन, घाण और अवलोकन रूप पाँच इन्द्रियों के विषयों धारण करने वाले ऋषीराज हम लोगों का कल्याण करें ।

प्रज्ञा-प्रधानाः श्रमणाः समृद्धाः, प्रत्येकबुद्धाः दशसर्वपूर्वैं:
प्रवादिनोऽष्टांग-निमित्त-विज्ञाः, स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥४॥

प्रज्ञा, श्रमण, प्रत्येक-बुद्ध, अभिन्न-दशपूर्वी, चतुर्दश-पूर्वी, प्रवादित्व, अष्टांग-महानिमित्तज्ञ मुनिवर हमारा कल्याण करें ।

  1. Avadhi Gyaan Riddhi

The special power of the soul to perceive the phenomena or things of the past, present and future with limitations of Dravya (substance), Kshetra (area) and Kaal (time), without any dependency of senses or mind like external factors; is Avadhi Gyaan (Clairvoyance knowledge) Buddhi Riddhi, that great Jain Saints possess.

  1. Manaparyay Gyaan Riddhi

The special power of the soul to be able to know the thoughts in other's mind that had came in past, present or future; without any dependency on senses or mind like external factors; is Manaparyay Gyaan Riddhi, that great Jain Saints possess.

  1. Keval Gyaan Riddhi

The special power of the soul by which one can know all substances (and their states of past, present and future) of the Universe (Lok) and Non-Universe (Alok), all together at the same time is called Keval Gyaan (Omniscience) Riddhi. When the soul attains the state of Arihant, this Riddhi is observed.

  1. Kosht Buddhi Riddhi

Like how the jewels like Diamond, Ruby etc. wherever they are kept, when taken out after a long time; they are obtained as it is without any change in their form or position;

Similarly, different Sutras (literary composition) of Siddhant, Nyay, Vyakaran etc. (in prose or poetry form) which were heard or told, when asked after a very long time; can be recalled exactly as it is without any error! This type of special power related to such powerful memory is possessed by great Jain Saints who has Kosht Buddhi Riddhi.

  1. Ek Bij Riddhi

By reading just the Mool Pad (main verse) of a scripture, the great Jain Saints possessing the Ek Bij Riddhi can derive and understand different meanings associated with it and the scripture.

  1. Sambhinn-sanshrutotva Riddhi

In the area of 12 Yojan (153.6 kms) breadth and 9 Yojan (115.2 kms) length, the great Jain Saints who possess the Sambhinn-sanshrutotva Riddhi can listen to everyone present in the army of Chakravarti consisting of elephants, horses, camels, bulls, birds, humans etc. simultaneously by being being able to clearly differentiate each distinct voice!

  1. Padanusarni Riddhi

By reading only the initial, in-between or ending verse (pad), the great Jain Saints who possess this Riddhi has the power to tell the whole Scripture (whose verse has been read)! Isn't it fascinating that from such little information, how can one accurately depict the whole Scripture?

  1. Door-sparshan Riddhi

Humans, if they will to touch the far objects; can touch the objects lying at a maximum distance of 9 Yojan (115.2 kms), but not farther than that.

While, the great Jain Saints who possess the Door-sparshan Riddhi, by their divine and powerful knowledge and perceivability, without any physical touch or movement, can know (and feel) the touch of the objects lying at finite (thousands or millions) Yojan distance from them!

  1. Door-shravan Riddhi

Humans, if they will to listen the sound coming from a far distance; can listen to those words (sound waves) that are coming from a maximum distance of 12 Yojan (153.6 kms), but not farther than that.

While, the great Digamber Jain Saints who possess the Door-shravan Riddhi, by their divine and powerful knowledge and perceivability, can listen sound coming from a finite (thousands or millions) Yojan distance from them!

  1. Door-aaswadan Riddhi

Humans, if they will to taste the far objects; can taste the objects lying at a maximum distance of 9 Yojan (115.2 kms), but not farther than that.

While, the great Jain Saints who possess the Door-aaswadan Riddhi, by their divine and powerful knowledge and perceivability, without any physical touch or movement, can know (and feel) the taste of the objects lying at finite (thousands or millions) Yojan distance from them!

  1. Door-ghraan Riddhi

Humans, if they will to smell the far objects; can smell the objects lying at a maximum distance of 9 Yojan (115.2 kms), but not farther than that.

While, the great Jain Saints who possess the Door-ghraan Riddhi, by their divine and powerful knowledge and perceivability, can know (and feel) the smell of the objects lying at finite (thousands or millions) Yojan distance from them!

  1. Door-avlokan Riddhi

Humans, if they will to see the far objects; can view the objects situated at a maximum distance of 47,267 Yojan (4,64,793.6 kms), but not farther than that.

While, the great Jain Saints who possess the Door-avlokan Riddhi, by their divine and powerful knowledge and perceivability, can view the objects lying at thousands of Yojan distance from them!

  1. Dash-purvitva Riddhi

There are a total of 12 Ang (Chapters) of the Shrutgyaan/Aagam (knowledge that is obtained from Tirthankar Bhagwaan in Samavsaran). In the last Ang (Chapter), there are also 14 Sub-chapters called "Purvas".

Out of 14, when great Jain Saint attains the complete knowledge till the 10th Purva, and because of this knowledge; there are many super-powers obtained and 1200 heavenly beings come to seek orders from them. But, because the Saints are victorious over the 5 senses, don't wish for those external praise or fame; their Charitra (right conduct) and 5 Mahavrats are not shackled by this.

And thus, due to such great control over the senses; their knowledge of these 10 Purvas is called as "Dashpurvi Buddhi".

What happens when the saint attains knowledge upto 10th Purva?
  • 1200 Heavenly beings comes to him to seek orders under him
  • If out of greed, the Muniraj gives order to those Devs, they lose their monkhood, Vrats and the ability for us to pray him. Because, in Jainism, we don't pray a person, but Veetrag state. These saints are known as 'Bhinn-dashpurvi'.
  • If the Saint doesn't give any orders, doesn't let the greed manipulate his pure conduct; then these Saints are known as 'Abhinn-dashpurvi'. They are, in real sense the ones possessing Dashpurvitva Buddhi Riddhi.
  1. Chaturdash-purvitva Riddhi

The great Jain Saints who have known the whole Aagam (Shrutgyaan) i.e. having the complete knowledge till the 14th Purva; who are adorned with the name - "Shrut-kevali" and will never get Mithyatva (False belief) or Asanyam (intemperance towards following the Vrats etc. in the path of Mokshmarg) possess this Chaturdash-purvitva Riddhi.

  1. Nimitt Gyaan Riddhi

Nimitt is an external factor that is present for any phenomenon to happen.

What is Nimitt?

For example, a pot is made from clay, water etc. (which are the elements that are 'Karta' (doer) of the pot) but also there are external factors (Nimitts) like the Potter, his equipments etc. which were present when the pot is made.

Here, the Potter is one of the Nimitts for the Pot to be made. The Karta (Doer) is the Clay.

Nimmit Gyaan is a special type of knowledge by which the great Jain Saints based on various available Nimitts, can accurately know the past, present and future of the subject!

8 types of Nimittgyaan
  1. Nabh (Sky/Space): Depiction based on the celestial objects and their movements
  2. Bhaum (Land): Depiction based on the earth, vessels, animals
  3. Ang (Organs): Depiction based on seeing or touching body organs
  4. Swar (Voice): Depiction based on voices made by humans, animals etc.
  5. Vyanjan: Depiction based on the moles, etc. present at different positions on the body
  6. Lakshan: Depiction based on palm/feet/forehead lines, moles etc. body's marks
  7. Chinn: Depcition based on the destroyed clothes, weapons etc. by Dev, Danav or Animals; or by the seeing the Palaces, etc. buildings or cities etc. geographical locations
  8. Swapn (Dream): Depiction based on dreams
  1. Pragnashramanatva Riddhi

The special power by which without reading/learning, the depth and minuteness of the subjects in the 14 Purvas of Jinagam can be known and depicted accordingly, is known as Pragnashramatva Riddhi, that is possessed by the great Jain Saints.

  1. Pratyekbuddhi Riddhi

The special power by which the soul can grow and advance in the areas of Samyagyaan and Tap without any Updesh (guidance/instruction/teachings) from Guru (Acharya), is known as Pratyekbuddhi Riddhi, that is possessed by the great Jain Saints.

  1. Vaditva Riddhi

The special power by which no one (including the Indra of Heaven) can defeat the great Jain Saint who possesses Vaditva Riddhi in Vaad-Vivaad (Debate).