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8. Kshetra (Area/Region) Riddhi

The Miraculous Power that relates to area; eg. ability to fit something enormous into a minute region is known as Kshetra Riddhi.

There are a total 2 types of Kshetra Riddhis that are possessed by Jain Saints (Riddhi-dhaari muni) as below:

1. Akshinmahansik
2. Akshinmahalay

From Paramarshi Swasti Mangal Vidhaan

क्षीरं स्रवंतोऽत्र घृतं स्रवंतः, मधु स्रवंतोऽप्यमृतं स्रवंतः
अक्षीणसंवास-महानसाश्च स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥१०॥

क्षीरस्रावी, घृतस्रावी, मधुस्रावि, अमृतस्रावि तथा अक्षीण संवास और अक्षीण महानस ऋद्धि धारी मुनिवर हमारे लिए मंगल करें ।

  1. Akshinmahansik Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which the food left in the Bhojanshala (where prepared food is placed) after the great Jain Saint possessing this Riddhi has completed Aahar-charya; even if it is consumed by the whole cantonment (army camp) of the Chakravarti King; never decreases even a bit in its quantity! And thus, it becomes enough for everyone to be satisfy their hunger with it!

The limited food quantity in limited area of Bhojanshala becomes enormously vast in its quantity; enough to serve these many people! This shows the greatness of the Saints possessing this Riddhi to transform the area!

  1. Akshinmahalay Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which the great Jain Saint can make uncountable number of humans and animals fit inside a small region of 24 x 24 Feet square area (4 Dhanush x 4 Dhanush square area)!

Isn't this amazing?