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Riddhi vs Vidya

From the previous discussion of Riddhi, we have clearly understood that Riddhis are miraculous super-natural powers that are attained by great Jain Saints as a result of their extreme austerity. But, we have often heard about super-natural powers possessed by normal humans as well in our Epics!


  • Lord Hanuman had the power increase and decrease his body size and can fly in air
  • Indra possesses powers as equivalent to hundreds of thousands of airavat elephants etc.
  • Heavenly beings and Hellish beings can change their body shapes as per their will
  • Chakravarti can clone into thousands of same bodies

What are these powers if not Riddhis?

They powers are called Vidyas. They are possessed by many beings from different factors like their body types, heredity, learning etc. and not from austerity. The humans residing in the cities on the Vijyardh Mountain are known as Vidyadhars and they possess some special Vidyas.

Let us see difference between Riddhi and Vidya:

By the virtue of extreme austerity, Riddhis are attained without any other dependent factor.Vidya is not attained by itself.
Only attained by Riddhi-dhari MunirajAttained by Vidyadhars.
The Muniraj (Saint) who possesses Riddhi are called 'Rishi'The humans who possess Vidyas are called 'Vidyadhars'
Riddhi-dhari Muniraj are prayedVidyadhars are not prayed
There is no owner of a RiddhiThere is an owner of a Vidya
Having Riddhi is connected to the purity of soulHaving Vidya is not connected to soul's purity
Riddhi is attained after attaining Monkhood (becoming a Saint)If a Vidyadhar wants to become a saint, then they have to renounce their Vidyas as well
Riddhis are only attained by Sanyamis (one who has taken Vrat, Niyams etc.)Vidyas can be attained by Sanyami or Asanyamis both
Riddhi has no dependency on family, hereditary, tool etc.Vidya is dependent on family, heredity or tool to develop it
Riddhi is a lot much more powerful than VidyaVidya is a lot much weaker than Riddhi
There are no rules for RiddhiThere are rules for Vidya
Riddhi is not Parigrah (accession)Vidya is Parigrah (accession)