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What are Shalaka Purush?

Shalaka Purush are the great and illustrious personalities born in the 4th era of each half-cycle epoch (Utsarpini and Avasarpini kaal). They gain immense fame and power by their virtuous deeds and contributions to the world.

They are also considered to be the major torch-bearers for spreading Jainism on earth.

What is Kaal Chakra?

The Universe is considered as without any beginning or end - Infinite. Thus, the entity Time is also Infinite.

The Cosmic Wheel of Time signifies that even though Time is Infinite, the Universe is repetitive and repeats itself.

Thus the time is divided into infinite equal Time Cycles that keep on repeating infinitely called as KAAL CHAKRA

The Kaal Chakra is divided into 2 Epochs.

  • Avasarpini (Descending in terms of happiness)
  • Utsarpini (Ascending in terms of happiness)

Each epoch has 6 Eras (known as Kaal). In the 4th Era, these 63 Shalaka Purush are born! We are currently in the 5th Era of the time cycle.

Read more about Kaal Chakra

Who are they?

Broadly speaking, there are a total of 63 Shalaka Purush in each epoch. They are born in the 4th era.

They are:

  1. 24 Tirthankars - The ones who establishes and preaches the real path of salvation i.e. Mokshmarg to the world
  2. 12 Chakravarti - The ruler of 6 Khands (continents)
  3. 9 Balbhadra - The strongest amongst all in the era
  4. 9 Pratinarayan - The ruler of 3 Khands (continents)
  5. 9 Narayan - Defeats Pratianarayana in a war to become the ruler of 3 Khands
Mangalshtak STOTRA

नाभेयादिजिनाः प्रशस्त-वदनाः ख्याताश्चतुर्विंशतिः
श्रीमन्तो भरतेश्वर-प्रभृतयो ये चक्रिणो द्वादश
ये विष्णु-प्रतिविष्णु-लांगलधराः सप्तोत्तराविंशतिः,
त्रैकाल्ये प्रथितास्त्रिषष्टि-पुरुषाः कुर्वन्तु नः मंगलम् ॥४॥

तीनों लोकों में विख्यात और बाह्य तथा आभ्यन्तर लक्ष्मी सम्पन्न ऋषभनाथ भगवान् आदि 24 तीर्थंकर, श्रीमान् भरतेश्वर आदि 12 चक्रवर्ती, 9 नारायण, 9 प्रतिनारायण और 9 बलभद्र ये 63 शलाका महापुरुष हमारे पापों को नष्ट करें और हमें सुखी करें ॥

Some interesting facts about Shalaka Purush

  • There are a total of 63 Shalaka Purush who gain prestige all across the world and possess immense power, wealth and fame.
  • From an another perspective, there is also a reference to 169 Shalaka Purush found in Jainism. We will discuss this in further posts.
  • Tirthankars, Tirthankar's parents, Chakravartis, Balbhadras, Narayanas, Rudras, Naradas, Kamdevas and Kulkars; all are Bhavya; meaning they attain salvation (moksh) in the same or 1 or 2 next bhavs (lives).
  • By the rule of the Universe, it never happens that two (same) Shalaka Purushs like Chakravarti and other Chakravarti, Tirthankar-Tirthankar, etc. meet each other. They are always born in different time to each other.
  • They have Vajrarushabh Narach Sanhanan (it is a type of body structure has extremely powerful bones that has strength like iron. They don't have veins or arteries)
  • Body is of bright Golden color
  • Body is perfectly symmetrical (samchaturast sansthan)
  • Their facial, physical appearance is very positive, attractive and beautiful. They don't have beard, moustache etc. facial hairs.

In a nutshell, all these Shalaka Purush are the greatest men ever born in the history of mankind. In the coming chapters, we will learn about them in a bit more detail.